by Ship My Ride Staff Winter is upon us. As Canadians we are used to the snow on our doorway, but what about driving through harsh winter conditions? He have done some research, and asked our drivers and staff about the best tips for driving on this winter weather . Here are the best advice we got from our staff, we consider all these tips to be i mportant and very useful : Don’t speed, take your time . Try to drive at the legal speed limit, but slow down when you see icy or snow covered roads. Leave room between your vehicle and the vehicle in front of you and the vehicles next to you. Do not use tail lights of a vehicle as a reference for distance . When snow starts falling, visibility is low. This means that if you are able to see the lights of the vehicle in front of you, you are probably to close. Know your driving limits . Be able to recognize which weather conditions are too severe for your experience on driving. If you have to stop, STOP . It’s better ...
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