If one of your resolutions is to save money, or be more conscious of your expenses or even help the environment, we have a way you can do all these. The ShipMyRide team did some research on an interesting topic, which is how we can be more fuel-efficient while driving. Fuel-efficient driving can save Canadians hundreds of dollars in fuel yearly, improve road safety and prevent wear and tear on your vehicle. By adopting these 5 fuel-efficient driving techniques, you can lower your vehicle’s fuel consumption daily and carbon dioxide emissions by as much as 25%. 1. Accelerate gently The harder you push your gas pedal, the more fuel you will be using. In the city, you can use less fuel by easing onto the gas pedal gently. For example, to be as fuel-efficient as possible, take 5 seconds to accelerate your vehicle up to 20 kilometres per hour from a stop. TIP: Imagine you have an open cup of coffee on the dashboard. Don’t spill it! 2. Maintain a steady speed When ...
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